FKFS Veranstaltungen

2025 Shanghai-Stuttgart-Symposium 

on Automotive and Powertrain Technology

22 - 23 May 2025


The Call for Papers is closed. If your abstract is accepted, you must submit your full paper by the end of February.
Your paper will be reviewed and potentially considered for a publication in the Tongji Journal.


September 01 - November 30 Paper abstract submission (all in English)
December 01 - December 15 Abstract acceptance notice
December 16 - February 28 Full paper submission (all in English)
April 01 - April 15 Paper acceptance notice (for conference proceedings)
April 16 - April 30 Oral report & poster preparation
June 01 - June 15 Paper Revising Notice (for Tongji Journal)
July 01 - July 15

Tongji Journal paper accaptance notice



Your presentation time is 30 minutes with 20 minutes presentation and 10 minutes for questions of the audience or a discussion.

The conference language is English. Please prepare your slides as well in English.

A congress Windows-laptop will be provided in every hall for presentation. Or you can also use your own laptop to show your presentation in the hall.

Your presentation should be made with Microsoft Powerpoint.



Accepted papers will be published in the “Journal of Tongji University Natural Science”.


Speakers get free admission to the Symposium. With acceptance of your paper you will be registered automatically.


If you have any questions please contact:

Tongji University
Ph.: +86 21 6958 9204
E-Mail: ssspaper(at)

Tel: +86 21 39586536
E-Mail: chiyy(at)