FKFS Events

FKFS Academy

11 -13 June & 16 - 25 July 2024

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Wagner

In 1999 Dr. Wagner received his diploma degree in automotive engineering from University of Applied Science Ulm, Germany. After additional studies on international economy in Ulm and mechanical engineering at Stuttgart University, Germany, he carried out driving stability research at the Institute for Internal Combustion Engines and Automotive Engineering (IVK, Stuttgart University). In 2003 he received the doctoral degree (Dr.-Ing.) for his work on driver’s behaviour under cross wind conditions. From 2003 until 2019, Dr. Wagner joined Audi AG where he held several managing positions. During that time he received the Kamm-Jante award as well as the ECARA award for his work and he was assigned to join management circles at Audi AG. As from March 01, 2019, Dr. Andreas Wagner is appointed Chair Professor of Automotive Engineering at the Institute for Internal Combustion Engines and Automotive Engineering (IVK now IFS) at Stuttgart University, Germany and he also is a Member of the Board of Management of FKFS. His research work is largely associated with aerodynamics/aeroacoustics, driving stability, and vehicle dynamics.