Call for Papers - ended
In 2025 we offer you again two different alternatives for submitting a paper for the Stuttgart International Symposium: either through Springer or SAE.
If you submit your paper via Springer, it will be published in their conference proceedings. In this case, you present your paper in a 20-minute talk. Alternatively, you can choose to present a 5-minute pitch without submitting a paper.
You can also submit your paper via SAE and go through the peer review process. The paper will then be published via SAE and you will give a 20-minute talk.
In both cases, you will hold a presentation or pitch on your submitted paper at the 2025 Stuttgart International Symposium on site at the Haus der Wirtschaft in Stuttgart.
Main topics of the Call for Papers
Driving behavior and technologies of the future
Innovating and optimizing driving experience, sustainable powertrain systems, comfort features, driving resistance, thermal management and acoustic optimization.
Transformation of the vehicle of tomorrow
Developments in software and design, vehicle sustainability and powertrain technologies, automation and networking, vehicle architecture and future-oriented mobility concepts.
Development methodology for the vehicle of the future
Design approaches, modeling and simulation techniques, use of artificial intelligence and testing methods, regulatory framework conditions and innovative methods.
The following sessions are offered.
Vehicle | Powertrain | E/E-Architecture + Software | Methodology |
Deadlines of the Call for Papers
Publication via conference proceedings (Springer)
20-minute presentation or 5-minute pitch
Extended deadline for paper submissions: closed
Notification of authors: beginning of February 2025
Submission of manuscripts: Mo 03/24/2025
Publication via SAE (peer-review)
20-minute presentation
SAE: Submission of abstracts: closed
SAE: Submission of manuscripts: Th 01/30/2025
SAE: Final manuscript submission: Fr 04/25/2025
Information about the presentation
The conference language is English and therefore all presentations will be held in English.
You will have 20 minutes for your presentation, followed by approximately 10 minutes for questions from the audience.
Admission and registration
Speakers get free admission to the Symposium.
With acceptance of your paper you will be registered automatically.
One of the co-authors gets 30% discount on the conference fee. A second co-author gets 10% discount. Co-authors please register via our online-platform. You will receive the discount code upon request from EMENDO.
Further information
If you have any organizational questions please contact EMENDO.