FKFS Events

2024 Stuttgart International Symposium
on Automotive and Engine Technology

2 - 3 July 2024

Session: Poster |

Accelerating Development: Uniting MBSE and DevOps Methods for Future Hardware and Software Testing

Marijn Hollander, AVL List GmbH

In the swiftly evolving landscape of technology, the convergence of software, DevOps, and hardware development presents a significant challenge. State-of-the-art practices involve extending a testbed with virtual components to create a digital twin of the vehicle. However, the challenge lies in establishing a consistent digital twin across a heterogeneous test environment. As we move from the testbed towards hardware-in-the-loop and software-in-the-loop, integrating an increasing number of virtual components becomes essential. Coupled with the complexity of numerous variants and high testing demands, this necessitates a toolchain that seamlessly integrates diverse testing methods, virtualization tools, and parameter management solutions across various testing environments while maintaining full traceability of all the artifacts. Our vision is to tackle this challenge by creating a unified ecosystem where cutting-edge testing approaches, virtualization models, and parameter management systems operate harmoniously, regardless of the test environment setup. This unified approach to the virtual testing workflow allows for seamless management without the need to switch between tools, streamlines the virtual testing process, reduces integration efforts and enhancing consistency across test environments. Experience firsthand the transformative impact of our approach on software, DevOps, and hardware testing, supported by real-world examples.